Cyber Skills
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Interview Series - Rob Line on Attracting and Retaining Top SOC Talent

Published on
November 8, 2022
December 18, 2023

In this insightful blog interview with Rob Line, Principal Talent Consultant at CyberSec People, we explore the multifaceted aspects of hiring and managing talent in the fast-paced world of Security Operations Centers (SOC). Rob shares his expertise on identifying top talent, balancing skill sets, adapting to evolving cyber threats, and effective strategies for training, onboarding, and retention. His insights provide valuable guidance for SOC managers navigating the complexities of assembling and nurturing a high-performing cybersecurity team.

What are the key indicators a manager should look for in candidates that suggest they will be successful as SOC analysts? How do these indicators differ for entry-level versus experienced candidates?

Communication skills are essential. Candidates should be able to effectively communicate when they don't know something and show initiative. Their technical aptitude and capability, including what they're doing to enhance their knowledge base, is crucial. Curiosity is also key; candidates should ask insightful questions and demonstrate a methodical approach to problem-solving.

When evaluating candidates, how should a manager balance technical skills against soft skills and potential for growth? What qualities are non-negotiable in a SOC analyst?

Hiring managers should prioritize growth potential. A candidate who meets 100% of the requirements might not offer long-term benefits due to a lack of professional growth opportunities. It's important to look for candidates who show promise for development and a willingness to learn, as this often leads to a mutually beneficial working relationship.

With the rapidly changing nature of cyber threats, how should hiring criteria for SOC analysts evolve? What new skills or qualities are becoming more critical?

Managers should focus less on experience and certifications and more on real-world experience and problem-solving abilities. Many career transitioners possess transferable skills that are valuable in cybersecurity. Technical skills can be taught, but natural curiosity and problem-solving abilities are crucial for success in this field.

In your experience, what are the best practices managers should be aware of for training and onboarding new SOC analysts to maximize their efficiency and integration into the team?

A robust knowledge management system is essential. It should enable someone with foundational skills to have the necessary blueprint for success. There should also be a dedicated process for analysts to find information when they encounter unknowns.

What strategies do you recommend for retaining top talent in a SOC team, considering the competitive nature and high demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals?

Strong Learning and Development (L&D) commitments and clear succession planning are vital. Regular one-on-one meetings and performance reviews, although simple, are often overlooked in the hectic SOC environment. It's also important to stay updated with current market salaries and understand the size of the talent pool in relation to supply and demand.

December 18, 2023
February 12, 2024
Cyber Skills

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